The Noox Networking system has more than 600 innovative users, many of them startups with investment needs to grow. We advise them in organizing their business, operating legally and protecting their intellectual property so that they can associate with us.
This fund is committed to good ideas that are already working and need capital and advice. It is a medium-high risk fund with the possibility of obtaining high yields.
Addes Value
The idea is to bet on many projects with small investments and be attentive to their evolution to inject resources quickly in case the business signals are positive.
We support the selected projects with material and basic infrastructure in order to generate a structure of shared fixed costs and increase their levels of profitability.

Startup Migrante
Migrants are a source of wealth and innovation and at Pixka we know that a company with migrants as partners is more open, creative and competitive, which is why we now include a section for migrants within the pixka startups series, in partnership with non-governmental organizations committed to this cause